Harvest Moon 2014
Our annual fall Harvest Moon overnight retreat was held at Camp Gilmore in the Malibu Mountains. This was a new location for us and we loved it! Each troop stayed in cabins and each cabin slept 9-10 girls and adults. The girls decorated their cabins in fall/Halloween theme and attended 4 workshops on Saturday. If your service unit or troop wants to plan a retreat, there are many summer camps that offer their cabins during the school year for this purpose. Camp Gilmore is a Salvation Army sleep away camp during the summer for under-privileged children from the inner cities. I especially love that the money we spent on our Girl Scout retreat helps fund their summer programs. Harvest Moon had 167 girls and their leaders/parents attend. The workshops we ran are as follows: 1) Archery. (5-6 year olds did marshmallow archery with bows we purchased off Amazon, since the Archery bows are difficult for the younger girls to handle). 2) Solar Over Cooking (details listed below) and they cooked m...