Thinking Day: Around the World Cake Walk

Thinking Day is an easy event overall because generally each troop creates a table with a display, food and swap representing the County they have chosen. However, I have added a couple of fun things to Thinking Day. At our event, I added an Around the World Cake Walk. I use to love cake walks as a child at the school carnivals, so I added one to Thinking Day. Each troop brings a cake or a box of cupcakes decorated in the theme of their Country. Some bring cakes from a recipe that reflect their Country. Some troops simply bring plain cakes which is fine. The more cakes, the better. Each troop is asked to bring a cake or a dozen cupcakes as their contribution. We have a contest and the best decorated cake/cup cakes receives a prize awarded for their troop. Usually local businesses donate prizes. Last year, the winning cake was Singapore and that troop received a bowling party and bowling patches. We sell cake walk tickets for $1 each and we always have a huge line throughout the event for the cake walk. We also sell cupcakes for $1. We use the proceeds to buy food for the local food bank.
All you need: blue painters tape to create the cake walk circle. Use tape to create numbered boxes for the kids to stand in. Usually around 10 boxes needed. Then start the music....have someone control the music and stop it. Like musical chairs, the kids stop and land in a box. The announcer picks a number from a bag (numbers one to ten) and calls out one at a time until only two kids are left. The winner of the final round gets a cake and the second place winner gets a cupcake. Then a new round begins. Another way to play it is to have the kids go around and you choose one number from the bag and that number wins a cake. I like to prolong the game to make it last longer, so I play it like musical chairs but walking in a circle. Another variation: use chairs and decorate them like Countries. Pull a chair out each round until there is one left. 


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