Camp Conejo 2013 was a huge success and our theme was Brave. We had a rock wall brought in and a giant slide. We had box oven cooking (baked cupcakes), dutch oven cooking, made ice cream in zip lock bags, scavenger hunt, zumba, flag football, relay races, water color painting, cartooning, banner making, spy workshop making invisible ink with lemon juice and more. The key to any sucessful event or camp is making is fun, fun fun. We dance to Girl Scout camp songs at opening and closing circle but add a hip hop song or two to get the girls dancing. I add songs I've written to current pop songs with my own homemade lyrics. I do this at smaller events as well. Always remember to really listen to what the girls want at an event or camp. My events and camps are girl led and although I am guiding the process, our teenage (PA-Program Aids) are completely in charge of the tribes of Girl Scouts.


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