GIRL LED: GIRL POWER By Denise Sheaks Burke MA, LCSW Volunteer for Girl Scouts of California Central Coast LET GIRLS LEAD THE WAY AND YOU FOLLOW! GROWTH mindset versus CLOSED mindset Encouraging versus Discouraging. How to encourage, engage and empower in all that you say and do. The POWER of non-verbal communication. How your non-verbal cues can empower or confuse. The Girl Led Facade : Leaders and adults who make it look girl led, but undermine the girls choices. Girl Led Confusion : Laissez faire leadership style leads to the most lowest productivity. Being girl led means guidance and support. Well intentioned leaders sometimes allow chaos, confusion, and frustration when they instruct the girls to lead but don’t offer them the tools to succeed. If you were sending the girls on a hike, you’d give them a map and guidelines to help them find their way, the same goes with a girl led troop model. Gro...