PA Leadership Retreat
Camp Will Keep Us Together! (link) Every spring, I lead a PA teen leadership retreat at our local Hyatt hotel. This year was our second retreat. We had approximately 65 girls attend, ages 10 years old and up. I had Junior PAs, and PAs. The retreat was a huge success! The teen girls are craving more programming that speaks to their interests. The workshops were informative, interactive and lots of fun! The girls created their own camp model in mock board meetings, they worked in teams to write their own camp song and presented their camps/songs in front of the entire group. We did lots of team building and ice-breakers and stressed that everything they learned at the retreat is something they can do at camp with their tribes of younger scouts. The girls also learned about setting goals, showing appreciation and learned that being a leader means many things. The girls slept over night at our local Hyatt, slumber party style. I booked 14 hotel rooms, had chaperones volunteer to ...