Camp Rocks!
I love camp! Camp inspires, brings youth together through teamwork and it's just a lot of fun! I believe that camp is also very therapeutic, not only for the kids, but for the volunteers, counselors, interns and staff as well. That's why many people are camp crazy and even though many camp directors and staff make less money (or work for free) than corporate jobs, people stay in the business because it truly is a career that makes you feel like you are making a difference. The benefit of camps is that the theme and focus of the camp can vary from sports to college prep. Sky's the limit, regarding possibilities for program content in camps. The benefit of camp is that the program content doesn't have to be as strict as academic models and in fact, camp programs teach usable skills but in a fun way. Girl Scout camp is no different. Many councils are encouraging more volunteer run camps. Of course the benefit for councils is that volunteer camps require no funds from th...