Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year is a terrific event idea or troop meeting celebration, to teach the girls about Chinese culture and traditions. A troop can also choose to represent China for Thinking Day, or use these idea's during a meeting in the month of February to celebrate Thinking Day. The Chinese New Year generally falls between the end of January to the middle of February. The Chinese New Year in 2015 will be February 19th and the year of the Goat/Sheep. Because the Chinese calendar is lunisolar, the Chinese New Year is often referred to as the "Lunar New Year." You can order Chinese New Year patches for this event and you can get the girls patches that represent the year of their Chinese Zodiac. I have provided links to order patches and to look up the girls Chinese Zodiac sign. I have organized a sisterhood at Disneyland to celebrate the Chinese New Year on February 1st, 2015. California Adventure will have parades and festivities celebrating the Chinese New Year. Com...